Influence of Jiaji electro-acupuncture on neurological dysfunction and pain threshold of autologous nucleus pulposus-transplanted rats
中文关键词: 自体髓核移植  夹脊电针  疼痛
英文关键词: autologous nucleus pulposus  neurological dysfunction  pain
裴文娅 1.武汉市中西医结合医院针灸科武汉 4300222.湖北中医药大学针灸骨伤学院武汉 430061 
黄国付 武汉市中西医结合医院针灸科武汉 430022 
董莉 1.武汉市中西医结合医院针灸科武汉 4300222.湖北中医药大学针灸骨伤学院武汉 430061 
尹莹 武汉市中西医结合医院针灸科武汉 430022 
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  目的:探讨在大鼠自体髓核移植致腰神经根性疼痛模型中,夹脊电针对大鼠运动功能评分(BBB)及机械刺激缩爪反射潜伏期值(PWT)、热辐射缩爪反射潜伏期值(PWL)的影响。方法:将32只SD大鼠随机分成电针组、腰痛宁组、假手术组、空白对照组,建立大鼠自体髓核移植致腰神经根性疼痛模型,电针组给予夹脊电针治疗,腰痛宁组给予腰痛宁灌胃,假手术组及空白对照组不予治疗,分别于造模前、造模后7d(治疗前)、造模后21d(治疗后)观察大鼠BBB、PWT及PWL评分的变化。结果:治疗前空白组BBB、PWT及PWL评分均显著高于电针组、腰痛宁组及假手术组(P<0.05),电针组、腰痛宁组及假手术组组间比较差异无统计学意义。治疗后电针组、腰痛宁组、假手术组大鼠BBB、PWT及PWL评分均明显高于治疗前(P<0.05);电针组与假手术组治疗后组间差异无统计学意义,且均明显高于腰痛宁组 (P<0.05) 。结论:髓核是腰椎间盘突出症引起腰腿疼痛及神经功能障碍的重要原因,夹脊电针可改善腰椎间盘突出症神经功能障碍,减轻疼痛。
  Objective:To explore the effect of Jiaji electro-acupuncture on neurological function,paw-withdrawal threshold (PWT) and paw-withdrawal latency (PWL) in the model of transplanted autologous nucleus pulposus rat.Methods:SD rats (n=32) of transplanted autologous nucleus pulposus were divided into the electro-acupuncture group,the Yaotongning group,the sham operation group and the control group.The EA group and the Yaotongning group were given the treatment of Jiaji electro-acutpuncture and Yaotongning respectively,and the sham operation and control groups were given no treatment.Before and 7 and 21 days after surgery,the changes of BBB score (the Basso,Beattie,Bresnahan locomotor rating scale),the PWT and PWL were observed.Results:As compared with the electro-acupuncture group,the Yaotongning group and the sham operation group,the BBB,the PWT and PWT scores in the control group were significantly increased before treatment,and there was no statistically significant difference among the electro-acupuncture group,the Yaotongning group and the sham operation group.The BBB score was significantly higher after treatment than before treatment in the electro-acupuncture group,the Yaotongning group and the sham operation group,that in the sham operation group was higher than in the Yaotongning group,and there was no statistically significant difference between the electro-acupuncture group and the sham operation group.The PWT and PWL in the electro-acupuncture group and the Yaotongning group were significantly higher after treatment than before treatment.Conclusion:Nucleus pulposus is the most important reason of lumbar pain and neurological dysfunction caused by lumbar disc herniation.Jiaji electro acupuncture can improve the neurological dysfunction of lumbar disc herniation,and it can relieve the pain caused by lumbar disc herniation.
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