Early rehabilitation after flexor tendon repair:comparison of results following injuries in zone
中文关键词: 主动运动  屈肌腱修复  早期康复
英文关键词: active mobilization  flexor tendon repair  early rehabilitation
黄琴 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院康复科,武汉 430022 
刘莉 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院康复科,武汉 430022 
陈燕花 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院手外科,武汉 430022 
毛朝琴 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院康复科,武汉 430022 
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  目的:观察Ⅱ区与V区屈肌腱修复术后早期康复治疗的疗效。方法:将38例屈肌腱修复术后患者依损伤部位分Ⅱ区组20例(46指)和V区组18例(44指)。2组患者术后均采用背侧石膏托固定、物理因子疗法、运动疗法等治疗。术后12周时进行总主动活动范围测量法(TAM)和上肢功能指数(UEFI)评定。结果:治疗12周后,V区组TAM优良率及UEFI评分均明显高于Ⅱ区组 (P<0.05)。V区组指间关节伸直缺失明显低于Ⅱ区组(P<0.01)。结论:屈肌腱修复术后早期采用主动运动方案安全有效,而且V区损伤后手指活动度和日常生活能力的恢复均优于Ⅱ区。
  Objective:To prospectively study the role of early rehabilitation after flexor tendon repairs in zone 2 and zone 5.Methods:The primary repair technique was used to repair 90 digits in 38 patients with flexor tendon injuries.There were 20 and 18 injuries in zone 2 and zone 5 respectively.Early rehabilitation of the repaired digit,which combined with dorsal plaster slab,electrotherapy and physical therapy,was commenced after surgery.Range of movement and functional outcome were monitored and recovery from injury in zone 2 was compared with injury in zone 5.Results:After treatment for 12 weeks,the total active motion (TAM) scoring system of the American Society and the upper extremity functional index (UEFI) were measured.According to the TAM score and UEFI,the anatomic improvement and functional outcome in zone 5 was significantly better than in zone 2 (P<0.05).The residual extension deficit of the fingers in zone 5 was significantly lower than in zone 2 (P<0.01).Conclusion:Early rehabilitation following flexor tendon repair provides comparable clinical results between zone 5 and zone 2 and recovery of TAM and ADL in patients with zone-5 injury was better than those with zone-2 injury.
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