Relationship between alexithymia and depression in patients with cerebral hemorrhage
中文关键词: 述情障碍  抑郁  脑出血
英文关键词: alexithymia  depression  cerebral hemorrhage
颜敏素 温岭市第一人民医院浙江 温岭 317500 
毛小丹 温岭市第一人民医院浙江 温岭 317500 
摘要点击次数: 7201
全文下载次数: 5222
  Objective: To explore the relationship between alexithymia and depression in patients with cerebral hemorrhage (CH). Methods: All 206 patients with CH were subjected to a questionnaire survey by Toronto alexithymia scale (TAS) and Hamilton depression scale (HAMD) one week after operation, and divided into the depression group and non-depression group according to the HAMD. Firstly, the general information was compared between the two groups, and then the Pearson correlation analysis and multivariate linear regression analysis were used to explore the effect of alexithymia on depression. Results: 57.28% (118/206) and 41.26% (85/206) patients with CH suffered depression and alexithymia, respectively. The affective disorder of recognition, affective disorder of description, extroverted thinking and the total score of TAS in the depression group were significantly higher than those in the non depression group (P<0.05). Pearson correlation analysis revealed that the HAMD was positively correlated with TAS score,the affective disorder of recognition, affective disorder of description, extroverted thinking (r=0.389,0.374, 0.281 and 0.456 respectively,P<0.05). Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that affective disorder of recognition and extroverted thinking were the influencing factors of depression in patients with CH (P<0.05). Conclusions: Alexithymia was an influencing factor of depression in patients with CH.
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