One-stage decannulation in brain damage patients with tracheotomy
中文关键词: 脑损伤  气管切开术  直接拔管
英文关键词: brain-damage  tracheostomy  one-stage decannulation
刘玲玲 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院康复医学科, 武汉 430030 
尤春景 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院康复医学科, 武汉 430030 
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  目的:探讨脑损伤患者气管切开术后直接拔除气管套管的可行性。方法:收集我院自2011年6月~2013年12月脑损伤气管切开术后直接拔除气管套管患者26例作为观察组,同等条件下先行堵管后拔除套管者26例作为对照组,比较2组的拔管成功率及并发症发生率;另将观察组与对照组组内各按昏迷与非昏迷分为两组,比较各组的拔管结果。结果:观察组拔管成功率96.16%,拔管后并发症发生率15.38%,对照组拔管成功率96.16%,拔管后并发症发生率30.77%;2组拔管成功率及并发症发生率比较均差异无统计学意义。2组昏迷与非昏迷患者,拔管成功率及并发症发生率较均差异无统计学意义。 结论:直接拔除气管套管成功率高,时间短,具有可行性,脑损伤严重程度并不影响拔管结果,因此当拔管时机成熟后可采用直接拔管法,使患者早日进入康复阶段。
  Objective:To explore the feasibility of one-stage decannulation in brain-damage patients with tracheotomy.Methods-:Twenty-six cases in observation group were chosen from the brain-damage patients subject to tracheotomy with one-stage decannulation in our hospital from June 2011 to December 2013,and under the same conditions 26 cases in control group were subjected to plugging before removing the tube.Meanwhile the observation group and control group were divided into two subgroups:coma and non-coma.The success rate of decannulation and the complication rate were observed.Results:There was no significant difference in the success rate of decannulation between the observation group (96.16%) and the control group (96.16%).The complication rate in the observation group and control group was 15.38% and 30.77% respectively with the difference being not significant between the two groups.There was no significant difference in the success rate of decannulation and the complication rate between coma and non-coma subgroups.Conclution:There was a high success rate and short time in one-stage decannulation.The severity of brain injury does not affect decannulation outcomes.When the adaptive condition of tube decanulation appeared,we can adopt one-stage decannulation so that patients can enter the stage of rehabilitation earlier.
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