席艳玲,周建梅,热娜·阿不都萨拉木,库尔班乃木·卡合曼,王宝兰.维吾尔语失语症检查法的信度研究[J].中国康复,2015,30(2):90-93 |
维吾尔语失语症检查法的信度研究 |
Reliability of aphasia battery of Uighur |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 维吾尔语 失语症检查法 信度 |
英文关键词: Uyghur language aphasia battery reliability |
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摘要点击次数: 8412 |
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中文摘要: |
 目的:检验维吾尔语失语症检查法(ABU)的信度。方法:把汉语失语症检查法(ABC)翻译成维吾尔语,根据维吾尔语语言特点在某些方面做了适当改动(如复述、听字辨认和书写),但总体结构不变。应用专家评议法对ABU进行了3轮评议及修定,经语言调适和预测试,并进行了维汉回译。然后将它用于检测104例维吾尔族脑卒中后失语患者的语言功能。语言功能评定由1名经过培训的康复医学科维吾尔族语言治疗师于患者入院时进行评定,其中30例患者于1周后再次对其语言功能进行评定,另外35例患者由该评定者和1位经过培训的维吾尔族神经病学硕士研究生分别进行评定,两者评定时间相差不超过3d。汇总数据运用Spearman秩相关性分析、Cronbachα系数等方法检验ABU的重测信度、评分者一致性信度、内在信度和分半信度。结果:重测信度,除书写方面的2个项目的相关系数<0.7外,量表其余22项的重测相关系数都>0.8。一致性信度检验的结果显示:量表24个分项的一致相关系数都>0.7。内在信度,将量表内容的24方面拆分为四部分,口语表达、听理解、阅读和书写,分别计算各部分的Cronbach α为0.969、0.922、0.966、0.924,总Cronbach α系数为0.978。维吾尔语失语症检测量表的分半信度为0.906。结论:本研究认为ABU具有良好的信度;能对维吾尔语失语症进行诊断和分类,定量地反映维吾尔语失语症患者的语言功能状况,适合在临床康复中应用。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective: To test the reliability of aphasia battery of Uighur (ABU). Method: The Aphasia Battery of Chinese was translated into Uighur, and appropriate changes were made in some aspects (such as repeat, word recognition of listening and writing) according to the language characteristics of Uyghur, but the overall structure had no significant change. Three rounds of comments and revisions were carried out by experts′ evaluation method of ABU, including the language adjustment, the pre-test and Uighur-Chinese translation. Then ABU was applied to the detection of language function of 134 cases of Uighur stroke aphasia and 104 cases of normal Uighurs. Language function assessment was conducted by a trained therapist of rehabilitation medicine in Uighur language when patients were admitted to hospital. The language features of 30 patients were assessed again after a week. The other 35 patients were assessed respectively by this therapist and a trained Uighur neurology master graduate student, and the time interval of two evaluations was not more than two days. Data were analyzed by the method of Spearman rank correlation analysis, and Cronbach alpha coefficient to inspect the retest reliability, reliability, internal consistency reliability and semi-reliability. Results: For retest reliability, except that the correlation coefficient for the two items of writing was lower than 0.7, the correlation coefficient for the rest 22 items was greater than 0.8. Consistency reliability test results showed that the consistent correlation coefficient of 24 disciplines was greater than 0.7. For internal reliability, Cronbach α for oral expression, listening comprehension, reading and writing was 0.969, 0.922, 0.966, 0.924 respectively, with the total Cronbach α coefficient being 0.978. The split half reliability of Uighur version of aphasia testing scale was 0.906. Conclusions: This study suggests that ABU has good reliability. ABU can be applied to the diagnosis and classification of uygur patients with language aphasia, and can quantitatively reflect the functional status and language change. ABU is suitable for application in clinical rehabilitation. |
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