Effect of isokinetic exercise on lower limb function recovery of hemiplegic patients
中文关键词: 脑卒中  偏瘫  等速肌力训练
英文关键词: stroke  hemiplegia  isokinetic exercise
杨华中 湘雅博爱康复医院康复治疗部长沙 410151 
吴莹莹 湘雅博爱康复医院康复治疗部长沙 410151 
周永生 湘雅博爱康复医院康复治疗部长沙 410151 
邓雯娇 湘雅博爱康复医院康复治疗部长沙 410151 
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  Objective: To investigate the effect of isokinetic exercise on lower limb function recovery of hemiplegia patients. Methods: Forty hemiplegic patients in XiangYa BoAi Rehabilitation Hospital were randomly divided into experimental group and control group. All the cases accepted routine rehabilitation exercise, including therapeutic exercise (neuromuscular facilitation technique, balance exercise, isotonic exercise, bridge motion, transfer exercise, coordination and motor control training, etc), occupational therapy, traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation therapy and physiatrics. The experimental group additionally accepted isokinetic exercise for knee flexion & extension muscles of the hemiplegic side. After therapy, their lower limb function was measured by isokinetic peak torque, Fugl-Meyer motor functional score, functional independence measure score, Berg balance functional score, and their muscle spasma was measured by modified Ashworth scale. Results: After therapy for 10 weeks, isokinetic peak torque of knee muscles, the scores of lower limb Fugl-Meyer motor function, Berg balance function and functional independence measure in two groups were increased significantly as compared with those pretreatment (P<0.05). All the scores in experimental group were significantly higher than in control group (P<0.05). Modified Ashworth score showed no significant difference between experimental group and control group. Conclusion: Isokinetic exercise is beneficial to the recovery of lower limb function in hemiplegic patients.
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