Effect of rehabilitation procedures on the bone tunnel after ACL reconstruction in athletes
中文关键词: 康复程序  骨隧道  运动员
英文关键词: rehabilitation program  bone tunnel  athletes
基金项目:广东省自然科学基金项目( S2013010014849);广州体育学院院级一般课题(YB201410)
刘书芳 广州体育学院运动康复教研室广州 510500 
矫玮 北京体育大学运动康复系北京 100084 
张晓辉 广州体育学院运动康复教研室广州 510500 
廖八根 广州体育学院运动康复教研室广州 510500 
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  目的:探讨运动员前交叉韧带(ACL)重建术后康复程序与其骨隧道扩大之间的关系。方法:ACL损伤术后的运动员患者29例,分为对照组(A组) 9例、传统康复组(B组)10例和快速康复组(C组)10例,分别予以不同的康复程序。术后1周、6周、24周、1年分别进行磁共振成像(MRI)测量骨隧道直径。结果:3组术后6周、24周及1年时胫骨隧道内口、中点、外口直径及骨隧道直径扩大百分比均呈逐渐提高(P<0.05,0.01),但术后24周与术后1年比较差异无统计学意义;各时间点B、C组胫骨隧道内口直径、中点直径、外口直径扩大及骨隧道直径扩大百分比均较A组明显(P<0.05,0.01),且C组更高于B组(P<0.05,0.01)。结论:早期术后康复训练会导致骨隧道有所扩大;术后24周以后骨隧道直径基本稳定;骨隧道内口扩大较其它部位明显。康复训练方案应注意时间点的选择。
  Objective: To investigate the correlation between the rehabilitation procedures following ACL reconstruction and the bone tunnel extansion in athletes. Methods: A total of 29 cases were selected and divided into the control group (A, 9 cases), the traditional rehabilitation group (B, 10 cases) and the rapid rehabilitation group (C, 10 cases). The three groups were given different rehabilitation procedures. The diameter of the bone tunnel was measured by magnetic resonance imaging at 1st week, 6th week, 24th week and 1st year after rehabilitation. Results: All the bone tunnels were gradually widened in three groups after ACL reconstruction at 6th week, 24th week and 1st year after rehabilitation (P<0.05, 0.01), but there was no statistically significant difference between 24th week and 1st year. The bone tunnel expanding ratio in group B and group C was significantly higher than in group A (P<0.05, 0.01), and that in group C was higher than in group B (P<0.05, 0.01). Conclusion: Different rehabilitation procedures for patients after ACL reconstruction have different impacts on bone tunnel expansion. Postoperative rehabilitation program can widen the bone tunnels. Attention should be paid to timing of rehabilitation training scheme.
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