Effects of translational perturbations with forward and backward directions on postural responses
中文关键词: 姿势控制  外部扰动  运动学  表面肌电图
英文关键词: postural control  external perturbation  kinematics  surface electromyography
温子星 上海杉达学院国际医学技术学院上海 201209 
祁奇 1.上海杉达学院国际医学技术学院上海 2012092.上海交通大学附属上海市第一人民医院上海 200080 
危小焰 上海体育学院运动科学学院上海 200438 
瞿强 上海杉达学院国际医学技术学院上海 201209 
李剑华 上海杉达学院国际医学技术学院上海 201209 
朱胜群 上海杉达学院国际医学技术学院上海 201209 
摘要点击次数: 8653
全文下载次数: 6825
  Objective: To investigate muscle activations and the kinematics of the postural responses to external perturbations with forward and backward directions and provide theoretical guidance for the rehabilitation of patients with balance disorders. Method: Three-dimensional video graphic and surface electromyography (sEMG) data were collected from 13 male young people, who were disturbed by forward and backward platform movements. Horizontal CoM displacement, onset latency and magnitude of muscle activations, and angular change of three lower limb joints and trunk during postural control (from onset of perturbation to 200 ms after perturbation) were measured. Results: The results showed that when platform moved forward or backward, CoM moved in opposite directions. The ankle, hip and trunk showed opposite angular changes. The gastrocnemius muscle had greater activation magnitude when the platform moved backward, while rectus femoris, tibialis anterior and erector spinae showed greater activation magnitude when moved forward. Except rectus abdominis and erector spinae, there was no significant difference in onset latency of other muscles between forward and backward perturbations. Conclusion: According to different directions of surface external perturbations, the central nervous system will automatically adjust postural responses by changing the pattern of joint movement and muscle recruitment to maintain body stability.
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