Investigation on the distribution of stroke risk factors and awareness of stroke-related knowledge among community residents in Wuhan
中文关键词: 脑卒中  危险因素  知晓率  健康教育
英文关键词: stroke  risk factor  awareness rate  health education
罗利俊 武汉市第一医院神经内科武汉 430022 
龚雪琴 武汉市东湖区人民医院神经内科武汉 430030 
陈玲 武汉市第一医院神经内科武汉 430022 
杨洁 武汉市第一医院神经内科武汉 430022 
陈晓光 武汉市第一医院神经内科武汉 430022 
马艳 武汉市第一医院康复科武汉 430022 
摘要点击次数: 9210
全文下载次数: 7475
  目的: 调查和分析武汉市社区居民脑卒中危险因素的分布及脑卒中相关知识的知晓情况。方法: 选择武汉市硚口区下属M社区40岁以上常住居民3092人进行问卷调查,收集脑卒中危险因素分布情况,评估出高危人群440例,对高危人群进行健康教育干预半年后,观察干预前后对脑卒中危险因素及脑卒中相关知识的知晓情况。结果:筛查总人群有3092例,其中男1490人,女1602人;高危440例(14.23%),中低危人群2652人(85.7%)。其中男性高危人群265人(17.8%),女性高危人群175人(10.9%),男性较女性多。总体人群脑卒中危险因素检出率从高到低排序为:少运动、吸烟、超重、高血压病、高脂血症、心脏病、糖尿病、家族史;男女性别不同,其危险因素分布有所不同,在男性中,前三位的为:少运动、吸烟、高血压病,而女性中前三位的为:少运动、超重、高血脂;其中吸烟、少动、高血压病、超重等危险因素,在男女中,差异有统计学意义。对脑卒中高危人群进行健康教育后,对脑卒中危险因素、早期症状及溶栓的知晓率进行比较:干预后较干预前都大幅提高,差异有统计学意义。结论: 健康教育干预后,脑卒中高危人群对脑卒中危险因素、早期症状及溶栓情况知晓率均明显提高,对帮助脑卒中高危人群自觉采取健康行为方式、治疗原发病、卒中后及时识别并尽快就医均具有重要的作用,所以加强对社区居民的脑卒中健康教育有着深远的意义。
  Objective: To investigate the distribution of stroke risk factors and awareness of stroke related knowledge among community residents in Wuhan. 〖WT5"HZ〗Methods〖WT5"BZ〗: A total of 3092 residents aged over 40 years old in M community of Qiaokou District of Wuhan City were selected for questionnaires. The distribution of risk factors for stroke was collected and 440 cases having high risks were assessed. People with high risk were given health education intervention for half a year and were observed before and after health education through comparing stroke risk factors, the early symptoms of acute stroke, thrombolysis and other awareness of stroke related knowledge. Results: There were 1490 males and 1602 females in total 3092 cases and 440 (14.23%) at high risk, 7.57% at intermediate risk and other 78.2% at low risk. In the 440 cases having high risks, there were 265 males (17.8%) and 175 females (10.9%). The prevalence rate of risk factors of stroke in the general population from high to low was less exercise, smoking, overweight, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, heart disease, diabetes, family history of stroke. The top three risks were less exercise, smoking, hypertension in males, and less exercise, overweight, high blood lipids in females. Smoking, less exercise, hypertension, overweight and other risk factors had significant difference between males and females. There was statistically significant difference before and after stroke health education on awareness rates of stroke risk factors, early symptoms and thrombolysis. Conclusion: After health education, the awareness of risk factors, early symptoms and thrombolysis in stroke patients at high risks were significantly improved. Health education plays an important role in taking healthy behaviors consciously, treating the primary disease, discerning rapidly and treating as soon as possible after stroke. So, strengthening stroke health education for community residents has far-reaching effect.
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