Efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave therapy vs. ultrasound treatments for post-traumatic knee dysfunction
中文关键词: 创伤后膝关节功能障碍  冲击波治疗  超声波治疗
英文关键词: Post-traumatic knee dysfunction  Extracorporeal shock wave therapy  Ultrasound therapy
黄礼群 中部战区总医院康复理疗科武汉 430070 
王晓红 中部战区总医院康复理疗科武汉 430070 
张善纲 中部战区总医院康复理疗科武汉 430070 
徐丹 中部战区总医院康复理疗科武汉 430070 
程慈 中部战区总医院康复理疗科武汉 430070 
兰雪峰 中部战区总医院康复理疗科武汉 430070 
童春梅 中部战区总医院康复理疗科武汉 430070 
朱文涛 中部战区总医院康复理疗科武汉 430070 
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全文下载次数: 5839
  Objective: To compare the efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) vs. ultrasound (US) in the treatment of post-traumatic knee dysfunction. Methods: A total of 60 patients with post-traumatic unilateral knee dysfunction were randomly assigned to 2 groups: ESWT group and US group. All patients were given a rehabilitation method including joint mobilization, strength training and cold therapy. ESWT group received ESWT for 8 sessions twice per week. US group received US for 20 sessions. The patients were evaluated before and 4 weeks after treatment. Measurements were made using visual analogue scale (VAS), passive range of motion (ROM) and hospital for special surgery knee score (HSS). Results:Both groups showed significant improvements in terms of VAS (P<0.01), passive ROM (P<0.01) and HSS (P<0.01) after treatment. The VAS scores in the ESWT group were reduced significantly as compared with those in the US group (P<0.01). The ROM and HSS scores in the ESWT group increased significantly as compared with those in the US group (P<0.01). Conclusion: It is suggested ESWT is significantly more effective than US in the treatment of post-traumatic knee dysfunction.
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