Therapeutic Effect of Individualized Vestibular Training on Sensory Integration Dysfunction in Children
中文关键词: 感觉统合失调  个体化前庭训练  个体化前庭评估  平衡能力  行为问题
英文关键词: sensory integration dysfunction  individualized vestibular training  individualized vestibular assessment  balance ability  behavior problen
施冬柳 广西医科大学第二附属医院南宁 530007 
龙耀斌 广西医科大学第二附属医院南宁 530007 
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  目的:探讨个体化前庭训练对儿童感觉统合失调的临床效果。方法:选取经儿童感觉统合功能评量表确诊为前庭感觉统合失调的儿童60例,随机分为对照组和观察组各30例。对照组予常规感觉刺激,观察组根据个体化的前庭评估结果,在常规感觉刺激基础上制定个体化前庭治疗方案。分别于治疗前后采用儿童感觉统合能力发展评定量表、Conners父母症状问卷量表(Parent Symptom Questionnaire, PSQ)、动静态平衡能力测试评估其疗效。结果:治疗8周后,2组儿童感觉统合能力发展评定量表得分均较治疗前明显增加(均P<0.05)、且观察组的得分增加显著高于对照组(P<0.05);2组的动静态平衡能力均较治疗前明显增强(均P<0.05),观察组明显优于对照组(P<0.05);治疗后观察组PSQ(除冲动和焦虑外)的异常检出率明显低于治疗前(P<0.05),且显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:个体化前庭训练应用于儿童感觉统合失调患者的临床疗效显著。
  Objective: To explore the clinical effect of individualized vestibular training on sensory integration dysfunction in children. Methods: Sixty children with vestibular sensory integration dysfunction diagnosed by children’s sensory integration function scale were randomly divided into control group (n=30) and experimental group (n=30). They all accepted conventional sensory integration therapy, and the experimental group received individualized vestibular training additionally according to the results of individualized vestibular assessment, for 8 weeks. They were assessed with children’s sensory integration development scale, PSQ and dynamic balance ability and static balance ability test before and after treatment. Results: After treatment, the scores of sensory integration development scale in the two groups increased (P<0.05), and those in the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the control group. The dynamic balance ability and static balance ability of the two groups were all enhanced, and the enhancement in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.05). The abnormal detection rate of PSQ (except impulse and anxiety) in the experimental group was significantly lower than that before treatment, and significantly lower than that in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Individualized vestibular training has a significant clinical effect on children with sensory integration dysfunction.
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