Effects of ankle balance device training on ankle function and postural control in patients with functional ankle instability
中文关键词: 功能性踝关节不稳  姿势控制能力  平衡装置训练  常规功能训练  踝关节功能
英文关键词: functional ankle instability  postural control ability  balance device training  conventional functional training  ankle function
王回 山东第一医科大学运动医学与康复学院山东 泰安 271000 
陈卉芳 广州医科大学护理学院广州 510180 
贾毓栋 山东第一医科大学运动医学与康复学院山东 泰安 271000 
张甜甜 山东第一医科大学运动医学与康复学院山东 泰安 271000 
杨丽竹 山东第一医科大学运动医学与康复学院山东 泰安 271000 
谢地 广州体育学院运动与健康学院广州 510500 
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  目的:拟探究新型踝关节平衡装置训练对功能性踝关节不稳(FAI)患者踝关节功能及姿势控制能力的影响。方法:将符合纳入条件的FAI患者45名随机分为常规组(n=21)和平衡组(n=24),2组患者分别接受常规功能训练和新型踝关节平衡训练装置训练,8周干预前后,使用Noraxon表面肌电测试系统和Trap-door踝关节内翻诱发装置进行踝周肌肉潜伏期的测试,使用Biodex Systems IV型等速肌力测试系统进行踝关节位置觉和踝内外翻等速肌力的测试,使用Y型平衡测试(YBT)系统进行姿势控制能力的测试,使用坎伯兰踝关节不稳定工具(CAIT)对FAI患者进行评分。结果:干预8周后,平衡组FAI患者的CAIT评分、踝周肌肉潜伏期(腓肠肌内侧头、腓肠肌外侧头、腓骨长肌、胫骨前肌)、峰值踝外翻力矩和姿势控制能力(内收、外展的最大距离)相比于干预前显著改善(P<0.05),且明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:相比于常规功能训练,踝关节平衡装置训练可以更显著地提高FAI患者的姿势控制能力和踝关节的功能。
  Objective: To investigate the effects of new ankle balance device training on ankle function and postural control ability in patients with functional ankle instability (FAI). Methods: A total of 45 eligible patients with FAI were included and randomized into two groups: conventional functional training (n=21) and balance device training (n=24). Before and after the 8-week intervention, tests of ankle muscle latency were performed using the Noraxon surface electromyography test system and Trap-door ankle inversion induction device, tests of ankle position perception and ankle inversion-eversion isokinetic strength using the Biodex Systems IV isokinetic strength test system, postural control ability using the Y-balance test system (YBT), and scoring patients with FAI using the Cumberland ankle instability tool (CAIT). Results: After the 8-week intervention, the CAIT score, ankle muscle latency (medial head of gastrocnemius muscle, lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle, peroneus longus muscle and tibialis anterior muscle), ankle eversion isokinetic strength peak torque and postural control ability (maximum distance of adduction and abduction) of patients with FAI in the balance device training group were significantly improved as compared with those before intervention (P<0.05), and those in the balance device training group were significantly better than those in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Compared with conventional functional training, ankle balance device training can significantly improve the postural control ability and ankle function of FAI patients.
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