Chinese scoring standards of Simple Test for Evaluating Hand Function: A primary study in Beijing adults
中文关键词: 简易上肢功能检查  评分标准  本土化
英文关键词: Simple Test for Evaluating Hand Function  scoring standards  localization
徐筱婧媛 北京师范大学社会发展与公共政策学院北京 100875 
陈蕊 中国康复研究中心北京博爱医院作业疗法科北京 100068 
张健 北京市残疾人康复服务中心运动康复科北京 100041 
吕改玲 漯河市中心医院小儿神经与康复病区河南 漯河 462000 
曹丽辉 中国康复研究中心北京博爱医院作业疗法科北京 100068 
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  Objective: To determine the necessity of constructing the Simple Test for Evaluating Hand Function (STEF) scoring standards for Chinese, and preliminarily construct the scoring standards based on a sample from Beijing, China. Methods: From July 2021 to May 2022, 652 healthy adults in Beijing were tested. The operating time of every STEF project in 74 participants aged 24 years and below were compared with that of Japanese sample, and the STEF scoring standards in Beijing were established according to the data of these 74 participants. The remaining 578 subjects were scored by this scoring standards and the Japanese standards respectively to evaluate the applicability of the two criteria to the sample. Results: Except the 4 items of the large disc on the right and the large cube, cloth and metal disc on the left, the operation time of the samples aged 24 and below in this study was statistically different from that of the Japanese samples (P<0.05). Using the data of the samples aged 24 and below, the scoring criteria were initially constructed. In the groups aged 45~49 years (Z=2.13, P=0.03), 50~54 years (Z=3.36, P<0.01) and 55~59 years (Z=2.71, P<0.01), and the total scores in the groups aged 50~54 years (Z=2.67, P<0.01) and 55~59 years (Z=2.61, P<0.01), the scores of left-sides measured by the Japanese standards were significantly higher. Conclusion: STEF Japanese scoring standard may not be sensitive enough to evaluate the local people, so it is necessary to construct STEF scoring standards for Chinese population based on Chinese samples. The scoring criteria obtained in this study have some reference value for the application of STEF in the clinical evaluation of patients.
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