Clinical observation of balloon dilatation combined with surface electromyography biofeedback in treatment of cricopharyngeal achalasia
中文关键词: 留置鼻胃管  球囊扩张术  表面肌电生物反馈  环咽肌失弛缓症
英文关键词: indwelling nasogastric tube  balloon dilatation  surface electromyography biofeedback  cricopharyngeal achalasia
王忠林 1.锦州医科大学研究生院辽宁 锦州 1210002.湖北医药学院附属随州医院康复科湖北 随州 441300 
罗君 湖北医药学院附属随州医院康复科湖北 随州 441300 
陆敏 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院康复科武汉 430000 
沈俊明 湖北医药学院附属随州医院康复科湖北 随州 441300 
陈创 湖北医药学院附属随州医院康复科湖北 随州 441300 
杜书兰 湖北医药学院附属随州医院康复科湖北 随州 441300 
黄明勇 湖北医药学院附属随州医院康复科湖北 随州 441300 
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全文下载次数: 2667
  Objective: To investigate the clinical effects of balloon dilatation combined with surface electromyography biofeedback dwelling nasogastric tubes in cricopharyngeal achalasia. Methods: Totally, 60 patients with early recovery of brain disease were selected and randomly divided into the basic, control and observation groups (n=20 each). All 3 groups received conventional treatment, including abdominal breathing training, Mendelssohn technique training, swallowing mass neuromuscular electrical stimulation, nutrition and symptomatic support therapy. Additionally, the basic group was given balloon dilatation, the control group was given balloon dilatation in sequential combination with surface electromyography biofeedback, and the observation group was given balloon dilatation in combination with surface electromyography biofeedback. Results: After 6 weeks of treatment, the functional oral intake scale (FOIS) grade, videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS) scores, surface electromyogram root mean square (RMS) values of submental and subhyoid muscles and the swallowing quality of life (SWAL-QOL) scores were significantly improved in all groups as compared with those before treatment (P<0.05). In addition, the observation group was best in the FOIS grade, VFSS scores, the RMS values of submental and subhyoid muscles (P<0.05), but there were no significant differences in SWAL-QOL among three groups. All 3 groups showed no significant difference in triceps skinfold thickness before and after treatment. Conclusion: Balloon dilatation combined with surface electromyography biofeedback has significant efficacy and high compliance, for the early recovery from brain disease cricopharyngeal achalasia, which is worth further clinical promotion.
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