Application of Five Mimic Animal Boxing modified Monkey Lifting in Rehabilitation of Pharyngeal Stage Dysphagia
中文关键词: 脑卒中  脑外伤  吞咽障碍  五禽戏  猿提
英文关键词: stroke  brain injuries,traumatic  deglutition disorders  Five Mimic Animal Boxing  Monkey Lifting
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“基于脑FMRI整合多模式吞咽检测探索脑梗死后梨状窝滞留的多因素病理机制”(81772442,E2-G18019); “五禽戏之猿戏在咽期吞咽障碍康复疗效的机制研究”项目(A1—N1501010802)
俞茗文 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院康复医学科上海 200025 
罗文韬 上海中医药大学康复医学院听力与言语康复教研室上海201203 
唐俊 上海中医药大学康复医学院听力与言语康复教研室上海201203 
周仁娣 上海市养志康复医院(上海市阳光康复中心)放射科上海 201619 
崔维维 上海市养志康复医院(上海市阳光康复中心)康复治疗部言语治疗科上海 201619 
罗红玲 上海市第七人民医院康复治疗科上海 200137 
万萍 上海中医药大学康复医学院听力与言语康复教研室上海201203 
翟华 上海市养志康复医院(上海市阳光康复中心)康复科上海 201619 
摘要点击次数: 6397
全文下载次数: 3982
  Objective: To explore the treatment effect of Five Mimic Animal Boxing (FMAB) in the monkey frolic exercise inside the Monkey Lifting to pharyngeal swallowing disorder after brain injury and stroke. Methods: Thirty-eight patients with pharyngeal swallowing disorder who met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into experimental group and control group according to the random number table. The control group was trained with Monkey Lifting, and the control group was trained by Shaker Exercise and Mendelssohn Maneuver, combined with Chin Tuck and Head Rotation swallowing training, 5 times a week, 4 weeks. The swallowing function was assessed by the Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS) and Videofluorographic Swallowing Study (VFSS) before and after treatment in two groups. Results: After treatment, the FOIS scores were significantly increased in both two groups (both P<0.05), but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05). There was significant difference in the vallecular residue, distance of laryngeal elevation and distance of laryngeal forward, and the percent of penetration before and after treatment in both two groups (all P<0.05). After treatment, there was no significant difference in FOIS and VFSS scores between two groups. Conclusion: FMAB-Monkey Lifting action can improve the swallowing function of patients with pharyngeal swallowing disorder after brain injury and stroke, increase the distance of laryngeal elevation and distance of laryngeal forward, and reduce the percent of penetration and aspiration, and decrease the vallecular residue.
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