Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy on nutritional status in maintenance hemodialysis patients
中文关键词: 认知行为疗法  维持性血液透析  营养不良
英文关键词: cognitive behavior therapy  maintenance hemodialysis  malnutrition
吴爱纯 武汉市中西医结合医院武汉 430022 
费世枝 武汉市中西医结合医院武汉 430022 
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  目的:观察认知行为疗法改善维持性血液透析患者营养状态的临床疗效。方法:将90例维持性血液透析伴营养不良患者随机分为干预组和对照组各45例。对照组在透析期间接受传统健康教育,干预组在透析前或透析期间接受30min的认知行为治疗。治疗6个月后对2组患者进行营养不良 炎症评分(MIS)和健康调查简表SF 36评分,并收集患者血红蛋白(Hb)、血清白蛋白(ALB)指标评估2种治疗方案的疗效差异。结果:治疗后,干预组患者较治疗前及对照组治疗后MIS评分明显降低,ALB、Hb指标明显提高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗后,干预组患者SF 36生活质量各项评分及总分明显高于治疗前及对照组治疗后(P<0.05)。对照组各项评分治疗前后比较差异均无统计学意义。结论:认知行为疗法可以有效干预维持性血液透析患者营养管理,改善患者营养不良,提高患者生活质量,值得在临床上进一步推广。
  Objective: To observe the clinical effects of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) on nutritional status in maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients. Methods: Ninety MHD patients with malnutrition were randomly divided into two groups: the intervention group and the control group, with 45 cases in each group. The control group was given traditional health education, and the intervention group was given cognitive behavior therapy of 30 min before or during hemodialysis. After 6 months, malnutrition inflammatory score (MIS), quality of life (QOL) score (36 item short form health survey, SF 36), serum hemoglobin (Hb) and albumin (ALB) values were used to evaluate the differences of therapeutic efficacy between the two groups. Results: After treatment, MIS in the intervention group was significantly lower than that before treatment and that in the control group, and values of ALB and serum Hb were significantly increased (P<0.05). QOL SF 36 scores in the intervention group after treatment were significantly higher than those before and after treatment in the control group (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference in the control group before and after treatment (P>0.05). Conclusion: CBT can effectively intervene in the nutritional management, improve malnutrition and the QOF in MHD, and is worthy of further promotion in clinical practice.
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