Cost-effectiveness analysis of speech training platform for patients with Broca's aphasia after stroke
中文关键词: 脑卒中  言语训练  语言康复平台  计算机辅助技术  失语症
英文关键词: Stroke  Speech therapy  Speech training platform  Computer aided technology  Aphasia
林茜 1.福建中医药大学附属康复医院福州 3500032.福建省康复技术重点实验室福州 350003 
林秀瑶 福建医科大学附属泉州市第一医院康复医学科福建 泉州 362000 
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  目的:探讨语言康复平台的使用对脑卒中运动性失语症患者的语言功能的影响,并对其进行卫生经济学评价。方法:将60例运动性失语患者随机分为观察组和对照组各30例,观察组采用语言康复平台辅助语言康复训练,对照组采用人工语言康复训练。在治疗前后予《中国康复研究中心汉语标准失语检查》(CRRCAE)评定患者的言语能力,并应用卫生经济学指标对2组患者进行成本 效果分析。结果:治疗4周后,2组患者在听理解、复述、口语表达、出声读、阅读、计算的得分较治疗前均有提高(均P<0.05),而在抄写、描写、听写、计算方面,治疗前后比较差异无统计学意义。2组间比较,观察组在听理解、复述、口语表达、出声读、阅读这5个亚项方面较对照组的提高幅度大(均P<0.05)。2组患者直接治疗费用无明显差异,对照组中总费用、直接非医疗费用、间接费用较观察组高(P<0.05,0.01)。观察组患者在听理解、复述、口语表达、出声读、阅读这5个亚项方面,每改善1 分,所耗费的相关成本费用明显较对照组为低(均P<0.01),结论: 语言康复平台不仅可以提高疗效,而且更为经济,具有很好的社会及经济效益。
  Objective:To explore the effects of the speech training platform on the language functions of the Broca's aphasia stroke patients and evaluate its health economics.Method: Sixty patients were randomly divided into the treatment group and the control group. The treatment group was given the speech-training platform-assisted speech therapy, and the control group was subjected to the "one-to-one" artificial-speech rehabilitation training. After 4 weeks of intervention, Chinese Rehabilitation Research Center Chinese Standard Aphasia Examination (CRRCAE) was used to evaluate the patients' language functions, and health economic indicators were applied to analyze the cost-effectiveness in both groups. Results: After treatment for 4 weeks, the scores in listening comprehension, repetition, speaking, reading and calculating were significantly increased as compared with those before treatment in both groups (P<0.05). In the sub items of listening comprehension, repetition, speaking, reading and calculating, the increases in the treatment group were more significant than in the control group (P<0.05). After four weeks of treatment, both groups had no significant difference in the medical expense (P>0.05). The total, direct non-medical and extra expenses in the control group were significantly greater than in the treatment group (P<0.05). Besides, in the sub items of listening comprehension, repetition, speaking, reading and calculating, the cost regarding to the improvement per score in the treatment group was significantly reduced as compared with that in the control group (P<0.01). Conclusions: The use of speech training platform not only can improve the patients' language functions, but also can be more economical, and has the better social and economic benefits.
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